An Essential Overview Regarding Pregnancy

  More than one half of women who are pregnant end up developing stretch marks also referred to as pregnancy marks or striae gradarum. Stretch marks usually look like streaks on the outer side of the skin and vary in color depending with one's natural skin color. For instance, women who are dark skinned tend to have lighter stretch marks compared to their surrounding skin. During pregnancy, most ladies develop pregnancy marks on their abdomen. Nonetheless, is also very common for a pregnant mother to get pregnancy marks on the hips, buttocks, thighs and breasts. In some instances, up to 90% of ladies end up having stretch marks on most parts of their body due to pregnancy. The following is an essential overview on the causes of pregnancy marks, the population that gets these marks, their prevention and how to remove stretch marks after giving birth.

Causes of Pregnancy Marks

These marks usually develop when an individual's skin is stretched rapidly just as it happens in pregnancy. Most ladies develop stretch marks during the late trimester of their pregnancy even though some women start developing pregnancy marks very early immediately their belly starts bulging. Stretch marks are small tears that form in tissues which support the skin and assist it in stretching. Stretch marks represent the separation or tearing of collagen from the skin especially when the tearing occurs. Pregnancy marks are not painful or harmful and normally fades after some time.

Another cause of pregnancy marks is lack of normal hydration. Dry skin might be as a result of lack of hydration. This generally makes the skin dry and very hard to distend. This is the reason why is it recommended that you take a lot of water when pregnant. You might need to use creams to maintain moisture and smoothness of the skin. Thus, drinking a lot of water can aid in moisturizing the skin and preventing these marks.

Lack of skin elasticity because of improper nutrition causes pregnancy marks. Since the food that the mother takes supplies both the baby and the mother and the pregnant mother might not be taking enough to provide the body with enough nutrients and vitamins. As a result, the skin end up suffering from lack of needed substances such as vitamins E, C and A, fatty acids, zinc and selenium. All these are requirements for a healthy skin.

Who Gets Pregnancy Marks?

Most ladies believe that when you use creams and lotions during pregnancy, it will help you to prevent stretch marks. However, the intensity of stretch that one gets will depend entirely on how elastic is her skin. The elasticity of an individual's skin normally relates to the genetic make-up in the body. If your mum got stretch marks while pregnant, you high chances of getting them.

In addition, getting pregnancy marks also depends on the weight that one gains during pregnancy. The more weight an individual gains during gestation, the more likely one will develop more stretch marks. Typically, the skin is usually very elastic and capable of enlarging but in some women, changes that occur to the skin during pregnancy are very severe. These changes in weight and skin enlarging can cause pregnancy marks.

In addition, women who are expecting twins tend to have more pregnancy marks than single pregnancies since their belly normally grow larger. The following are other factors that contribute to women vulnerability to stretch marks. If one developed stretch marks before for instance on breasts when still a teenager than the chances of getting pregnancy marks are high. Secondly, if you had pregnancy marks during your first pregnancy. In addition, if you are overweight, the chances of getting these marks during pregnancy are very high.

Ways of Preventing Pregnancy Marks

You should make sure that you moisturize your skin. Keep your skin supple and lubed up constantly. You can opt to use any typical brand of moisturizer that is found on the market. Ensure that you apply it at least twice every day. If you know you are the forgetful type, you can keep your moisturizer either next to your bed or even in your bathroom.

You should also drink a lot of water during pregnancy. Ensure that you take at least eight to ten glasses of water every day so that you are hydrated. Dehydration normally causes dryness and wrinkling. In addition, make sure that you take fruits and vege's that are rich in vitamins C, E and A. These vitamins are essential for the skin as they help in rejuvenating and regenerating the skin. In addition, the vitamins have properties that stop the breakage of the skin in future. Regular exercises are also recommended. When one exercises, she increases the rate of metabolism and flow of blood hence sending all nutrients that the skin requires to repair it and remove stretch marks. Exercising daily will help you to keep fit and speed up collagen development in the body hence replacing the broken ones when the skin overstretched.

Most women worry so much about marks that are left on their skin after giving birth. Fortunately, most pregnancy marks end up fading away. For instance, after 12 months postpartum, pregnancy marks are less noticeable or light. Nonetheless, some women have serious stretch marks that affect their self-esteem after giving birth. For such women, there are a number of treatments that can offer them a lasting solution.

If you have severe pregnancy marks, then make sure that you consult your dermatologist or doctor. Some topical treatments for instance tretinoin cream can help in reducing stretch marks. Nonetheless, ensure that you use these creams after pregnancy since they can cause defects to the unborn child. However, if you are breastfeeding you child, you should first of all consult with you physician prior to using any pregnancy mark treatments. This is important since some treatments can have an effect on the milk production or pass through the breast milk to your infant. You can also decide to have a plastic surgery after you are done with giving birth.

r an egg is fertilized.

It is hard to believe, but you can actually learn about your pregnancy even before you miss a period. After ovulation, when the egg becomes fertilized, it begins creating human growth hormone.

A pregnancy test checks for any HGH in your urine. It is nearly impossible to get a false positive test. Humans do not have human growth hormone in their bodies naturally unless they are pregnant, still recovering from a miscarriage, or injecting it.

You can take a blood test from your doctor's office or an early urine test on your own, and receive a positive as early as the ninth day after ovulation.

Early Pregnancy Signs: The Bottom Line

If you are trying to become pregnant, remember that early pregnancy signs can sometimes be misleading Try not to spend too much time worrying about what is or is not a sign that you are pregnant.

It may be difficult, but wait until you have missed your period to take a pregnancy test. Although you can get a positive test as early as nine days past ovulation, chances of a false negative or positive are higher before your period is due.

Remember that a chemical pregnancy test can give a false positive before a period is due. Doctors do not rely on any other early pregnancy signs other than positive blood tests.

Once you have a missed period and have a definitive, positive pregnancy test in hand, call your doctor or midwife to determine next steps


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